Craig Lock's"Beloved
South Africa

I have always loved my country with a great passion. It
has always been such a "happy, sad land" to me. So it broke my heart leaving it
when I found I could no longer tolerate living within the "system", as it was then.
(Being married to a New Zealander certainly did not help in this.)
I had spent my entire life living under apartheid. And
this divided families: millions of poor blacks, but a few "whiteys" too!
So in the mid-eighties, during the State Of Emergency, in
which peoples rights were severely curtailed (nice word, that), in a "strategic"
withdrawal we moved to the tranquility of New Zealand.
However with this drastic action we unleashed a period of
rootlessness and great turbulence in our personal lives - something Marie and I could never have foreseen.
Nevertheless, I still wanted to do something positive for my beloved country,
albeit from the other side of the world.
(Even if it was just a drop in the ocean - it might make a difference.)
After years of division under colonization, then under
the draconian laws of apartheid, I felt that the different races in South Africa simply did
not understand each other as "ordinary human beings...and each citizen
of this diverse country, irrespective of race, color, or religious belief,
was worthy of being treated with dignity and respect".
So to try to make a difference on the other side of the
world, I started writing my novels, with a main theme of tolerance and reconciliation between
the diverse peoples of that beautiful country...but most of all, hope
for the future.
In my aims I hope I have made some difference to my
"Beloved Country", however small. My novels The
End Of The Line and
New Rainbow are the results of those strong feelings.
Now Let's Have Some:
in God zone!
A Personal Note from Craig Lock...
I came across a PRAYER TO
AMERICA by a lady called Marianne Williamson (Oprah's friend), which I
found to be very beautiful. I have used some of it as a basis , then adapted it
extensively for "my real home" and love, South Africa. |
My family and friends there, as
well as all the people of that "happy, sad land" are continually in my thoughts and I pray often for "the beloved
country". One day I'll return there, God willing. |
We join in prayer to celebrate this new nation and surrender its
destiny to you. We give thanks in our hearts to the founding of this vibrant
nation of diverse peoples, a beautiful yet tragic land built upon the rivers
of blood that flowed from our forefathers; yet which still flow
today... a happy sad land. |
We give thanks for and bless the souls of those who came before us
and prepared this nation, to nurture and to save it; because so many gave
their lives for it - some selflessly and many needlessly. |
We ask that God's holy spirit now fill the hearts of all this great
nation's citizens with a spirit of forgiveness, righteousness,
justice, tolerance, respect for others; but especially in a generous spirit of
love, faith and hope for the future. |
In this may we be cleansed of all past feelings of ill will and any
other negative, harmful thoughts. May judgment of others, bigotry,
racism and intolerance be washed clean from our hearts, like the blood
of our forefathers. |
May we play our parts, all of us, in the healing and the
furtherance of our vibrant and diverse country - so that it will one day
fulfill its immense potential, a promise yet to be fulfilled. To do the very
best within our abilities in developing it socially, politically, economically
and spiritually... each and every one of us in a
spirit of peace and cooperation. |
Dear Almighty God, you are all-powerful and omnipresent. You hold
each one of us in the palms of your mighty hands. Please touch all your
children with your Almighty Love and Generosity of Spirit. May our minds
be filled daily with the thoughts of You and your infinite
Generosity of Spirit, Your unconditional Almighty Love and
Your acceptance of all Your people. |
May this nation be forgiven its transgressions against its
fellow citizens of all races and creeds and any and all others. May our lives be turned
to instruments of resurrection and reconciliation, to reach out and
bring all our peoples together, that the sins of our fathers
might be reversed through us, His children. |
Let us forgive, even if we can never forget. May the rich promises
of this beautiful land be long last. The greatest
resource in any nation is its citizens; so may the beauty and greatness of this
land burst forth in the hearts of all it's people, all Children of God. |
Out of the mistakes and tragedy of the past, may the dreams of our
forefathers be realized in us; so that we might live in peace, honesty,
integrity and excellence with our neighbors. May this country become
a light at the top of the hill unto all the nations of this world
(but especially in the "dark" neglected continent of Africa)
so that our country will be a beacon of goodness and peace and freedom and especially hope.
May violence and darkness be cast out of our midst. |
May hatred no longer find fertile ground in which to grow here.
May all of us feel God's mercy, grace and love upon us. |
Dear God, please please ignite the light, the spirit of truth in
our hearts. May our
newborn nation be given a new light, the sacred fire that will
shine so brightly right across this vast land - from the Atlantic to the
Indian Ocean, from the Limpopo in the north to the Cape of Storms
at the southern tip of Africa. |
May we be forgiven.
May our children be blessed.
May we be renewed.
May each one of us be filled with the spirit of the Almighty.
In our lives may each one of us make manifest the
glory of God that is in every one of us. |
Dear God, please bless South Africa.
N'kosi sikele i'afrika
Amen |