"By far my biggest strength is my
own inner strength and positive
attitude, and a desire to help people to discover this in themselves.
I believe that we are all ultimately in control of our lives and of
who we are.
No dream is unobtainable if we stay positive and focused, seize opportunity,
and are prepared to put in the work to make it happen. Suffering hardship
can be an opportunity for growth, and with the right attitude, a faith
yourself and in life, and plenty of strength,
you can choose not to
be a victim, but a winner.
The strength and faith have many sources
- other people, God, and so on,
but the richest spring is within ourselves. We all have it and if we
can tap
into it there is nothing that cannot be overcome and nothing that cannot
achieved. It is not, however, always easy to find, and if I can reach
one person with this message and it helps them to improve their life,
then I will have achieved something special."
Few Little Words Of Wisdom"
Follow your heart, never surrender
your dreams.
Constantly work towards your goals.
Believe in yourself, and always be truthful.
Take time to enjoy life's pleasures.
Keep your mind open to new experiences.
Think before acting, but don't forget the joys of spontaneity.
Make your own decisions.
Look out for yourself but remember that
you share this universe with others.
Look for the good in others, Everybody has their own song to sing.
Live each moment to the fullest, for a moment too soon becomes a memory.
Look for opportunities, not guarantees.
Hope for the best.
Give people a chance to love you, for that
is how you learn to love.
Live your life for yourself, but always be considerate of others.
Believe in tomorrow, for it holds the key to your continued success.
"Whatever the mind can conceive can be achieved".
- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
The secret of happiness is
not doing what one likes, but in liking what one does.
- J.M. Barrie
"Success is never ending, failure
is never final."
- Dr Robert Schuller
We grow great by dreams. All big men are
dreamers. They see things
in the soft haze of a spring day or in the red fire of a long winter's
evening. Some of us let these great dreams die, but others nourish and
protect them; nurse them through bad days till they bring them to the
sunshine and light which comes always to those who sincerely hope that
their dreams will come true.
~ Woodrow T. Wilson ~

Now For the Funny Stuff - ( I think...)
Life can be so serious
at times. A final word ( ABF="absolutely bloody final")
to put you in a good mood for the
rest of the day...
The Jokes on you!
Did you hear the one about the South African
who built a 4 meter wall to keep thieves
out of his property? When he and his family returned from a day
trip they found
it had been dismantled and stolen!
Van der Merwe was out hunting one day and
found a naked young lady
lying on the track, she told him she was game, so he shot her!
An Irish tourist named Paddy broke an arm
when he fell over the edge of Kaiti Hill.
He slipped while trying to pick up a four leafed clover. A police
spokesperson said
"he may have spent some time at the Irish Rovers sampling the local
The Ministry of Health has revealed that
beer contains traces of female hormones. The
spokesperson stated that this had been proved by giving 1000 men 10
jugs of beer each
and observing them. All of them started talking nonsense and could
not drive.
There's only two things wrong with men,
everything they say and everything they do.
Hey cut it out, "chappie"!
Had to put that one in to keep all my female fans (note alliteration)
out there happy!
I'll be back!
Hope you enjoyed the laugh with me and they weren't too rude and "un-PC".
Story of my life!
Have a great day!
Cheers and Regards from the First City to see the Sun in "Godzone"
(as New Zealand is affectionately known)